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Tai Chi Facts
Therapy and Tai Chi Services
Fees & Class Schedules
Special Events
Letters Of Clients
Contact Little Tiger
...I was sore and rusty, but glad to be back. Thank you for the warm reception. You folks are unique. It is not just about tai chi; you are good people and that warms my heart. Real people, real friends. Especially in a world so motivated by violence, unhappiness and yet to be found in the annals of a tai chi studio, love, happiness and caring. This place called "Little Tiger Tai Chi" is truly a haven and respite for what we know is the world today....
Karl C.
... I went to see Ann for painful tennis elbow that had persisted for months. After just one treatment my elbow felt like new! I've also worked extensively with Ann & Gary Fry in various Tai Chi And Qigong classes. I've found them to be extremely ethical, very knowledgable and most importantly really good people. I highly recommend them... especially to anyone seeking relief from muscular-skeletal pain or stress. ...
Cliff Lyons M.D.
..."I was not happy over the surgery of my knee that seemed necessary. As a last resort to relieve some of the pain and to be able to walk, I called Ann Fry. I can now walk, play volley ball, and ski without a knee brace that had become necessary for the most routine activities like standing. I can never thank Ann enough for not only the immediate relief of pain but the avoidance of surgery. Thank you!"...
Sherri C.
..." I went from being a 100 mile a week runner to 0 due to nagging back and hip problems. Since Ann Fry has been working on my back and hip, I have improved greatly and resumed running. While the orthopedic doctors and physical therapists I went to failed, Ann has put me on the road to recovery."...
Dave Strohl, Moravian Academy Teacher and Athletic Coach.
..."I've had chronic neck and shoulder pain for 2 years. Traditional medicine and physical therapy quickly developed an attitude that you just live with pain regardless of the obvious disability of the client. Ann Fry's compassion, knowledge of the effects of inflammation and the body truly amazed me. She has given me freedom from pain and peace of mind I had thought never possible again. The bonus of Ann's therapy was the no ill effects found with drugs."...
K.F. Kessler, operating room nurse.
..."I can't believe two years have passed since I started learning T'ai Chi...I've learned sooooo much! Thanx for sharing your knowledge and skills in such a positive and fun way. I'm looking forward to many more years!"...
Ellen, occupational therapist.
..."Life in California is pretty good...but I still miss PA--I haven't been able to find a T'ai Chi school as good as yours"...
Leslie S.
..."My husband Phil and I began T'ai Chi in Sept. 1998 and have never regretted our decision. We learned so much about ourselves: physically-an awareness about our bodies energy and how to direct it, emotionally-especially relaxation, and socially. It continues to be a tremendous learning experience! Phil was in a severe accident in 1993. Since then he suffered a very painful, swollen foot, with one area that lacked sensation. He was unable to wear shoes, hike, or do any of the things he enjoyed. Ann treated his foot twice with absolutely incredible results! Full feeling has returned and the pain is gone! Phil now runs up and down the stairs and recently climbed Cadillac Mountain at Acadia Nat'l Park in Maine. People have noticed he is moving differently and more confidently. Ann exhibits and incredible knowledge of anatomy and physiology! She is truly amazing. We are fortunate to have met her!"...
Pat Zito R.N.,M.S. & Phil Zito